So here’s the plan


Or the beginning of it, anyway.  We know that the Grimtotem are hunting down ogres in Dustwallow Marsh and Feralas to try to find the phylactery of Cho’gall.  Obviously, we have to make sure they don’t get it.

Since we pretty much know that the Stonemaul ogres don’t have it (see, it helps when half the equation is on your payroll!), we’re going to focus on Feralas.  Hopefully the fact that we can eliminate half the possible locations of the phylactery will help us get a jump on the Grimtotem and the Twilight’s Hammer in finding it.  Anyway, Garona is heading up to Dire Maul as we speak to scour the place and see if she can find any leads.  Meanwhile, I’m going to be flying down to the southern Gordunni ogre camps to see what I can find there.

While all this is going on, I’m keeping Krog and Dontrag and Utvoch working in Dustwallow on a decoy project.  Right now, as far as we know, the Grimtotem still think that the Stonemaul ogres might have the phylactery, and the longer we keep them wasting time and energy barking up that tree, the better for all of us.  So I’m having the gang at Brackenwall putting up the appearance that our ogres really might have the thingamajig.  Apparently Draz’Zilb has some kind of hocus-pocus he can do to help along those lines.  I didn’t ask him for details, because honestly, dude is a scary motherfucker, so yeah.

For the time being we’re going to try to keep this job limited to the inner circle who are already in the know, so we can keep a limit on how quickly word of all this gets around.  Last thing we need is for the Grimtotem or Twilight’s Hammer to be tipped off to what we’re doing.

Come to think of it, though, if I really wanted to keep a lid on all this, I probably shouldn’t have been blogging about it at length all this time.  Including this installment right here.  Oops.  Oh well.  Hey there, water, the bridge says hi and bye from above.

Mortimer’s ready to go.  More updates soon.

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